Lipid Profile Tests
- Lipid profile means
- What is the normal range for lipid profile?
- What is the meaning of the lipid profile test
- Lipid profile test procedure
- what is the lipid profile test cost
- Understanding your cholesterol report
- Cholesterol Testing and the Lipid Panel
- What is Good and Bad Cholesterol?
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Lipid Profile Test |
Lipid Profile means:
A lipid profile is a blood test that measures the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. This test shows what's going on our blood. Cholesterol and fat or triglycerides in the blood can block arteries, making us more likely to develop coronary artery disease or heart disease. Thus, these tests can predict our risk of heart disease at its earliest and allow us to make early lifestyle changes that lower cholesterol and triglycerides levels in our body.
लिपिड प्रोफाइल विभिन्न रक्त परीक्षणों का एक संयोजन है, जिसे हमारे रक्त में 4 प्रकार के लिपिड के स्तर को मापने के लिए किया जाता है
- Total cholesterol
- Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol)
- High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL cholesterol)
- Triglycerides
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लिपिड प्रोफाइल एक रक्त परीक्षण है जो रक्त में कोलेस्ट्रॉल और ट्राइग्लिसराइड्स की मात्रा को मापता है। यह परीक्षण दर्शाता है कि हमारे खून में क्या चल रहा है। रक्त में कोलेस्ट्रॉल और वसा या ट्राइग्लिसराइड्स धमनियों को अवरुद्ध कर सकते हैं, जिससे हमें कोरोनरी धमनी रोग या हृदय रोग विकसित होने की अधिक संभावना है। इस प्रकार, ये परीक्षण हृदय रोग के हमारे जोखिम का जल्द से जल्द पूर्वानुमान लगा सकते हैं और हमें प्रारंभिक जीवन शैली में बदलाव करने की अनुमति देते हैं जो हमारे शरीर में कोलेस्ट्रॉल और ट्राइग्लिसराइड्स के स्तर को कम करते हैं।
A lipid profile usually includes the levels of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol.
- HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein(good cholesterol)
- LDL stands for low-density lipoprotein(Bad Cholesterol)
Normal Range For Lipid Profile Test:
हमारे रक्त में कोलेस्ट्रॉल का स्तर सामान्य रूप से प्रति डेसीलीटर (मिलीग्राम / डीएल) मिलीग्राम में मापा जाता है। लिपिड प्रोफाइल सामान्य श्रेणी है-
- 👉Total cholesterol normal range- lower than 200mg/dL
- 👉LDL cholesterol range- between 60 to 130mg/dL
- 👉HDL cholesterol range- between 40 to 60mg/dL
- 👉Triglycerides- between 10 to 150 mg/dL
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Blocked Arteries by Cholesterol |
Price of lipid profile test stripes(लिपिड प्रोफाइल टेस्ट स्ट्रिप की कीमत)-Cholesterol Test Kits
- The price of SD Lipidocare Lipid Test Strip is Rs.4,000/ Pack
I'm going to write about a topic which is a bit more abstract in the sense, you can't see all these. They're just numbers that are being thrown out from the analyzer and we're going to discuss its lipid profile.
Now when a patient catches hold of his chest and has got severe constricting pain and an impending sense of death, this is a medical emergency and when we interact on this efficiently and immediately we save lives. A lot of work has been done in managing acute myocardial infarction and from a case where you could kill a person in a movie to a situation where now people are actually living very well.
We're saying about terms like a door to a balloon of less than one hour and then we're saying about stem cell transplant but we can actually try to regenerate these dead myocardial tissues. We've gone a long way in treating the acute condition. But the fact still remains that a lot of people are presenting with this condition. The strategy changed from treating the acute condition to trying to prevent it from actually reaching that stage.
So the emphasis was given more on prevention. And when we started searching as to what are the major culprits the story of the lipids started to unfold. First, it was the cholesterols and then they said it's not only the cholesterol. There are some good cholesterols and bad cholesterols and a whole lot of things happen.
Lipid profile testing is probably one of the most commonly asked tests and I hardly see any health package which doesn't have a lipid profile inside it. So this is what everybody is doing. When we get reports like this-a a triglyceride is about 317 or something then it's a kind of a grey zone and we say that -okay, this could probably be a pre-analytical error. This could be an issue about the sample collection We need to repeat it or something like that.
But what happens when we get samples with results like this-the clinical history is not very much frequently available to us in the lab and then what we do is- we don't know really what to do much and then we write this line kindly correlate clinically and this is what I call Defensive Biochemistry.
We write this the remark we release it off and let the clinician manage the patient. These are clear signs that we are on the wrong path and we need to do something more than this. So I am revisiting some of the common tests that we were taught when we were doing ours under graduation and post-graduation. That time when we read all these topics it was more like what do we write in an answer how do we get the marks and how do we pass our systems.
But I'm going to revisit all these tests in the light of the current situation and ask this question again- Are we really doing enough? So we'll be discussing lipid electrophoresis, we'll talk about small dense LDL estimation, we'll talk about lipoprotein A estimation, oxidized LDL estimations, then Apo A and Apo B estimation. And then we'll touch on genetic work up in index cases and controls.
Now just like we do serum electrophoresis, we can do agarose electrophoresis for the lipids except that instead of using protein stains, we use lipid stains and then these fragments come. So it's normal protein electrophoresis and after we have done the electrophoresis we use protein-lipid stains and not protein stains and then you can get these bands the HDL band, the VLDL band, the LDL mild 7R chylomicrons do not migrate from the origin. So you get each of these bands they can be quantified.
The tests that we have in the liquid format in the homogeneous assays are so good and so robust and so accurate in measurement that virtually electrophoresis is rarely done. Probably the only indication for doing lipoprotein electrophoresis is the characterization of this type 3 dyslipidemias where you get a broad beta band. now this broad beta band is produced by the intermediate-density lipoproteins.
The essays that we do estimates total cholesterol estimates LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol is calculated. Ideal cholesterol the intermediate-density lipoproteins which increase in type 3 library dyslipidemias is not quantified. So this lipoprotein electrophoresis is very good for the characterization of type 3 dyslipidemias.
Then we come down to the LDL cholesterol. We said that LDL cholesterols were very bad and they said it's not all the LDL cholesterols are which are bad. There are various density gradients of the LDL and the small LDL cholesterol molecules which have got great density-the small dense LDS- they're the ones which are more atherogenic and even if a person has a normal.
LDL cholesterol.
If small dense LDL cholesterols are very high, these people are at a higher risk of developing a cardiovascular event. So a lot of emphases was given to the estimation of small dense LDL cholesterol.
Small Dense LDL Cholesterol:
The various methods available are:
- Gradient gel electrophoresis,
- Ultracentrifugation,
- HPLC and
These three techniques are usually out of the reaches of the normal laboratory.
Gradient gel electrophoresis is something that can be done. This is done in a polyacrylamide gel platform. You have automated kits that can do it and these are the bands you get. Now this is where the normal LDS will be and if your small dense LDLs are raised then these bands will increase and the more you have these bands the more the small dense LDL's- the more the probability of getting a cardiovascular event.
Those electrophoresis systems are time and technique dependent so the developed homogeneous essays on biochemistry platforms where we could quantify the small dense LDL. Now here we're using specific detergent and single myelinate which is an enzyme now. The beauty about these detergents is that they trap the cholesterol in all the lipoprotein fractions and only from the small dense LDLs other cholesterols released and then we can estimate the cholesterol in the supernatant and quantify that as the concentration of small delts LDL cholesterol.
Clinicians say that it's not adding any great value to my treatment protocol. I'm treating him clinically with the same medication irrespective of whether you give me information or not and the patient is responding.
So I'm pretty happy so the testing is actually dying over there but if you really look at it this way the number of population that India has the amount of oil abuse and lipid abuse that we do virtually in every form of diet that we use the burden of a disciplinary mix in our country is very high.
There is good scope for working on these and developing our database straight away managing genotype is not going to be very useful but if you get a database you can start developing guidelines so this is the place and time that we can do it that's what I was trying to emphasize literature wise there's nothing about you. These kinds of mutations do this kind of treatment no literature wise it's all. if the LDL cholesterol is so much or the apple b100 cholesterol levels are so much or if the HDL cholesterol might do this kind of a treatment that's it we need to change that.
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