Beauty Tips For Black Lip

black lip discoloration
Black Lips Treatment/Remedies
There are many factors that can cause your lips to turn black including sun exposure,humid temperature re,other causes like UV rays, allergies, smoking, caffeine intake,weak blood circulation,using low quality lipstick,lip balm,chap sticks,bad weather and hormonal imbalances.
Say NO to smoking
Lips turn black... due to lack of proper care as well as an unhealthy lifestyle.
Cigarettes have been delivering more nicotine which causes darkening of the lip and this is also a reason of lip discoloration. Otherwise smoking has long known to cause cancer and cardiac diseases.  say NO to smoking.

Say NO to excess consumption of Tea and Coffee
Excessive intake of tea or coffee can lead to turn your beautiful pinkish lips black color.

Overexposure to the sun also causes lip darkening. To protect your lips, select a lip balm products with SPF/UV 30 protectors.Some lipstick contain harsh chemicals and harmful ingredients.

Video On Dark Lips to Pink-Natural Home Remedies

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