Get Rid Of Belly Fat

reduce belly fat

Belly Fat-Oh ! The one thing standing between you and your favorite T-Shirt. But stressing about this is not going to help you at all. 

Stress-a fact of fat

Can Stress Cause Weight Gain ?

Did you know stress is main culprit for secretion of cortisol with high levels. Your belly or stomach is heavily influenced by many types of hormones. That means exercising and proper dieting is not enough to reduce your belly fat. Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by Adrenal glands.It is also otherwise known as stress hormone.If you tend to gain stomach fat and can not rid of it that's means your stomach is secreting too 
much of cortisol. It increases the flow of glucose as well as fat and protein out of your body cells and into the blood stream and to be used as an energy source whenever the body is put under stress. And that time it suppresse the immune system and promotea fat metabolism as well as protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

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